4 Dating Tactics: Get Her Kinky Side Out

4 Dating Tactics On Getting Her Kinky Side Out

Discover proven dating tactics to bring out your date's kinky side. Experiment, be bold, and go with the casual sex flow. Find out more!

4 Dating Tactics: Get Her Kinky Side Out Sex is an infinitely complicated topic. There are already so many thought-connected patterns at play when a man interacts with a woman, and these thought patterns become infinitely more clear and complex the closer a man and woman get to sex. Before the sex ever occurs, there are a myriad of things separating a man and woman from being synchronized together, and those separations are what cause a man and woman to lose touch before the one night stand could ever occur. However, thankfully, many of us tend to break through and hang in there until the end of the night, when our date consents to come back to our place to engage in some sexual intercourse. However, even now that we've made it to this crucial stage, there's still no way to read the inside of a woman's mind, so there's certainly no way for sure to know if she has a kinky side. That's something for her to know and you to find out, assuming she even lets you find out. However, what you could do is follow these four pointers, and maybe you'll be acting in a way that inspires her to show you her kinkiest side. Read carefully, remember what we say, and be observant and patient during your date. Always remember that a woman's kinky side can be an unimaginably wild thing, so be careful what you wish for.

Get your dating tactics on point

If your mission is to get the kinky side out of your date, then your dating tactics are of particular importance. The right dating tactics are key to any successful casual encounter, and this is especially true for those seeking the kink. In these cases, you must map out all the steps that lie before you, and all the possible outcomes of those steps. Devise dating tactics for every situation that might come your way. Have solutions for you main plan, and have sub-solutions for those surface solutions in case anything goes wrong along the way. Good preparation is key here, and you will be rewarded in vast kinkyness if you follow you optimal dating strategy when attempting to get her kinky side out of her.

Want her to be kinky? Experiment with her

If you want her to be kinky, you can't just expect that she'll pull out her kinkiest equipment right off the bat. You'll need to experiment with her first. Casual sex is the perfect area for experimentation, after all, so all you need to do is go with the flow, and try out new things that pop to mind as you do the deed. As you have sex with her for longer periods of time, and both of you grow into the rhythm of trying new things, the energy will inevitably flow toward the kinky department, and that's when she will be truly tempted to show you her kinkiest side. Of course, our deepest kinks are usually our deepest secrets; we don't share them with anyone for free, which means that you'll have to experiment well in order to warm her up to showing you her deepest sexual desires.

Be bold

In the journey of discovering your date's kinkiest fantasies, being bold will certainly aid you. Actually, if you choose not to be bold, you will most likely fail, having the plain old intercourse that you normally have. Of course, there's nothing wrong with good old hanky panky, and none of us would say no to it if it was thrown at us. However, sometimes, there's a desire that we have for a little more, something outside of the sexual box. That's where different kinks and fetishes come in. In order to truly have a chance at enacting some of your deepest sexual fantasies, you must be bold when speaking to your woman as you direct her through sex. The meek will fade away from all kinkiness; the bold will bathe in it.

Go with the casual sex flow

At the end of the day, what matters is that you're enjoying all of the night's events as they unfold before you. If kinky stuff is meant to happen, then it will definitely happen. What you should not do is force your way towards kinky sex, because that will most likely result in you ruining the vibe for everyone involved. Instead, don't go into the night with major expectations. Pay attention to the pointers we outlined here, and take the night as it comes. If kinky sex is in the cards for you, that's what will show up. If not, maybe next time. Either way, be safe and have fun.